Many questions · Clear answers.

Transfer processes can have many reasons: the tapping of new markets and the resulting need for growth capital. The hiving off of corporate divisions in order to concentrate on the core business. And finally, a management buy-out. For the success of such processes, three factors are crucial: the quality of the business plan – future cashflow – and the competence of the management.

In all of these areas, Detlef Fels has extensive experience. And he is placing this at the disposal of both buyer and seller.

Boosting values · Optimizing returns.

Private-equity und venture-capital investments must have a sound basis. Then they will lead to success – both for the investor and for the company.

In building that sound basis, the following aspects are to the fore:

  • the choice of suitable companies for equity and venture capital
  • the conduct of negotiations with buyers and sellers
  • the company valuation and due-diligence procedures
  • the right exit strategy

Often, investors expect management to acquire a stake in the company. This "sweat" equity motivates management to obtain a sustainable rise in the value of the company and optimizes the return on the invested capital.

Fels has expertise in and around private-equity questions, built up over many years in consultancy, as well as concrete personal experience of complex sweat-equity investment schemes.

Take advantage of his comprehensive know-how in all issues round and about private equity and venture capital.

Get the information you need on subjects like growth financing, succession planning, changes of partner/shareholder, or turnarounds.
Consultancy does not cover activities in accordance withsec 34c Gewo.

Recent examples:

betapharm Arzneimittel GmbH, Augsburg / Germany
Lichtwer Healthcare AG, Berlin / Germany